Friday, March 28, 2008

Why so quiet?

I have been putting off posting because I wanted to put up some photos, but I can't seem to get a good day of sunshine to take the darn things, so weeks go by with no posts.

Last week's excuse was legit: I was sick. What started out as the flu turned into the most awful sinus and ear infection I've ever had. For 7 straight days I had a 99-100 degree temperature, cough, stuffy nose, and complete exhaustion. For 3 of those days, I had a severe headache that nothing would ease. If you've never had a sinus headache before, it's like a fierce migraine combined with filling your sinus cavities with ever-expanding cement, which in turn makes you so nauseous that you actually want to throw up, and in my case, I did. On top of that, the nausea removed my appetite, so I didn't eat anything for about 4 days. It was a truly award-winning week.

This week, the cough is all that remains. I haven't felt well enough to go to the gym, but I was feeling good enough to attend my first tap dance class yesterday, which was awesome. I've been wanting to take tap lessons again since I first took them at the age of 5 or 6. I haven't done any choreographed dancing since my last musical at age 18, and I was afraid it would be hard for me to get back on the horse, but I think I'm going to be OK. It's an 8 week class, and there's no recital, so it's just for fun anyway.

While I was sick, I had tons of time to knit, but I didn't feel much like doing it. I started a scarf, which I'm still working on, using some bamboo yarn from my stash. I also finished a bunny, whose head has been staring at me for about a year now. Her name is Cadbury, dubbed by the boyfriend because she is a chocolate bunny. I'm attempting to knit a sweater for her without a pattern. I tried to work on a particular sweater, which is now the Hell Sweater because it keeps going wrong. I will have to submit an entire post on it this weekend, if I get enough light to photograph it. It's truly stomach-churning for me.

The weather here in Iowa has been pretty typical, and by that I mean insane. Yesterday, after several days of weather in the 40's and 50's, it rained, hailed, and snowed. Today, the sun is out and the thermometer is back up. It's almost as if yesterday never happened. I just don't get this place.

Well, that's all for me today. I really really really need to take some photos this weekend, so I'll hopefully have some new stuff posted over the weekend.

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