Friday, February 22, 2008

...and by that I mean...

I was going to post this sooner, but then the accident happened and I had all this stuff to deal with...ahhhh...but here's a reconstruction of an actual conversation I had with my boyfriend last weekend:

The setup: We were going to do a home improvement project downstairs. We've put it off long enough.

Me: Let me know when you're ready to go downstairs.

Him: I'm ready.

Me: You're ready right now???

Him: Yes.

Me: (surprised) OK! (I turn to get stuff ready)

Him: I mean, in ten minutes.

Me: So what you're saying is, "I'm ready now, and by now, I mean in ten minutes."

Him: Yes.

I can't tell you how funny we found this. We did variations on it the rest of the day, such as, "You're funny, and by funny, I mean annoying."

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