Friday, September 4, 2009

Martha Stewart Eats Babies

Or, at least, she likes to dress babies up like food. This was in my inbox from the Martha Stewart Craft of the Day Newsletter today:

I clicked on the link to the site and was relieved to find comments like this:
"Is it just me, or is this creepy???"
"I think it's bizarre."
Then I noticed Martha has a whole line of babies-as-food costumes. The horror, the horror:
That's supposed to be a pie...I think the baby's trying to escape!
There were also instructions on making your baby look like a salad, but there was no accompanying picture. This is a letdown for me, for one because I can't see how that would work, and number two because it sounds delicious!

Martha, I've seen Anne Geddes pictures, and you, Madam, are no Anne Geddes. Behold:

See, THIS is how it's done! I don't find anything remotely creepy about this, except I do worry about their exposure to pesticides and whether they're getting watered enough.

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